
Leon, Nicaragua (again)

Today I have visited again the city of Leon. Of course the reason for that was that yesterday I haven't visited the whole city. Though what was left was churches and some nice houses, I still think that the colonial style is really nice and it gives a beautiful charm to the cities.

This afternoon I have visited the museum of the legends and myths that live in Leon. It was quite small but gave an idea of the different legends and myths. Find below some of them :

La llorona :

She was a 15 year old teenager. Her mother was repeating her : 'You should never mix the slave blood with the one of the tyrants'. The girl fell in love with a white and got pregnant. When the child was born, both were rejected by the white. The spite made her drown the child in a river. Hearing the baby cries made her repent and she tried to find him but she couldn't. Since then she became crazy and during the nights, she can be heard crying near the rivers.

La Taconuda :

This is the legend of a young woman who have been forced to be married to a violent and abusive Spanish man when she was 20 year old. This wedding made her kill herself. During the nights, she is going out to look for strong men, but only her shadow can be seen. If the man passes out, la Taconuda take him with her, get him undressed and let him in a public place to ashame him. Only the sounds of her heels can be heard when she is going away.

La Mocuana :

This is a legend from La Trinidad. The legend have been developed in the colonial period during which Spain gave itself the task to conquer new lands and increase its wealth. La Mocuana was a young and really beautiful girl, with large and precious hair. In the first days of the Colonia, lots of Spanish arrived at Sébaco because it was said that there was gold. The chief of this land received them very well and gave them gold to send to the king of Spain. The Spanish left but after few times they came back with the intention of taking the gold. Only the chief daughter knew the hiding place. The girl fell in love with a Spanish who lock her in the cave a mountain and he blocked the entrance up, but she escaped. After this deception, the girl became crazy and were called the Mocuana. Since then she appears on the trails and invite the walkers to follow her to the cave. No one has been able to see her face, only her figure and her precious hair can be seen.

La Chancha bruja :

It is about women that have enemies, that have suffered sorrow and love deception, jealous women full of resentment and thirst of revenge. They invoke the devil through some rituals, after which they are turned into big black pigs. Those are really stinky and of revolting appearance due to the rotten mud that covers them. They attack people, beat them up until they pass out and then they steal their money.

La negra camila :

She was of dark colour, she had a stoop, she had the face showing the traces of the time passing by, her eyes were small and bright, her hair long and white. She used a huge "motete" under the left arm and a "bordón" in her right hand. It is said that she kidnaps children to sacrifice them on Fridays to the evil spirits. Lots of people assure that she used to turn herself into an old maid to know what was going on and also she used an amulet.

Toma tu teta :

She was the daughter of a wealthy landowner, big head, embittered face, bulging eyes, pronounced mouth, long and broad nose, body developed like a man, huge muscular arms, long hair and extremely big teat. She has never been able to get a lover. She used to go out in the street and where she could meet a group of men, she was choosing the one that she liked the most and taking out one of her teats, she were saying them : "Take my teat!", putting her huge nipple in the mouth of the man until she got satisfied.

El padre sin cabeza :

On February 1550, the 26th the brother Antonio de Valdivieso have been beaten up to death by the soldier Juan Bermejo, who were part of the brotherhood of Contreras, who shared out the three fourths of the province of Nicaragua, with their inhabitants. The protective attitude of the bishop of Nicaragua toward the indigenous made that he was killed. Some people says that at midnight, at the church El Calvario, in León, they can see a vulture black without head and they believe that it is the brother Valdivieso.

El viejo del monte :

It was a tall man with long white hair down to the waist. His mustache was also white. He was living in the mountains with his wife. He was helping the people in needs and was protecting the animals and the forests. He was making sure that the people who were trying to take some wood out of the forest get lost and get out of the forest without their wood.

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