
Quiriguá, Guatemala

So after having left Belize, I decided to hang around a little bit around Puerto Barrios in Guatemala. This city is really boring and is basically only a port on the Atlantic, so nothing to do and a bit dodgy I would say.

However from this town I have been able to travel around and see some nice stuffs. Yesterday I went to Quiriguá, which is about 100 km from Puerto Barrios and it takes about 2 hours and 30-40 minutes walking to arrive there.

It is not a big site and there isn't a lot of buildings (unlike the site that I've done before) however this site had a lot of stelae with sculptures or let say design on them. And it was the reason why it was worthy to go there.

The stelae appear to be the story of the different rulers of the city, their war glories, their relationship with the gods, etc etc.

Besides the site was in the middle of the Jungle as often and I have been able to walk a little bit in it and also be bitten so many times by these fucking mosquitoes.

One of the nice things that you can find in the jungle :-)
Also on my way to the site, I could walk in banana plantations... Yeah see the banana you might eat and which come from Guatemala (the "chiquita" or "dole" one) well it comes from there.

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