
Panamá city, Panama

It seems so long since I have posted something here... But to be honest for the period of the new year and the fact that I have been sick, I wasn't really visited neither.

However now I feel better and I want to get back to the visit of nice places but also going to the beach... :)

But first I arrived in Panama City.... My hostel is located in the Casco Viejo neighborhood of Panama City. To sum up, it is the historic centre. It's really nice, colonial, but it's a bit dirty and there is a lot of poverty as well as really expensive or fancy place and even the presidential palace and the French embassy. So it's really interesting.

As it's on some kind of peninsula, I can "admire" the new Panama with the high buildings, I could actually say skyscrapers...

This afternoon I have been to a municipal park on the outside of Panama city. Nothing particular but a nice afternoon out and also to meet some local animals.

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