
Flores and Tikal, Guatemala

So last weekend I went to Flores and Tikal... I haven't done a lot because I have been food poisoned in Rio Dulce (because of a hamburger) so I was still trying to get better while I was in Flores.

Flores is a peninsula on the lake Peten Itza in the North-East of Guatemala. It's about 5 minutes away from Santa Elena, the capital of the state of Peten. The town had nothing special to my opinion but the lake was quite nice. It looked like a river in the jungle.

Then on Saturday I went to Tikal, one of the biggest Mayan ruins discovered (if not the biggest) and the biggest of Guatemala. Sadly and I said that still being frustrated by that, I couldn't take any pictures because my camera died after having taken 4-5 pictures.

Tikal was just amazing. It is in the middle of the jungle and there are still 5-6 well maintained temples on which you can climb and see over the canopy. However unless Copan in Honduras, it had only few sculptures or designs. It took me about 5 hours to visit the entire site and to be honest I could have spent at least 2 hours more but I couldn't because of the bus I had to get back to Flores.

PS : I bought a new camera so I'm ready for the next stops of my trip to share with you my pictures.

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