
Copán, Honduras

I finally arrived in the last country of Central America where I hadn't stayed yet (though I entered it to go from El Salvador to Nicaragua), here I am in Honduras. My first stop is Copán Ruinas, close to the border with Guatemala (about 10-15 km). That's the name of the town, so as the name suggests I have visited the ruins of Copán today. It is the only major ruins in Honduras.

First I have to say that I have been surprised I was expecting a village full of tourist and a site with groups everywhere. Also I was expecting a lot of hassle (people trying to sell me something all the time, at the end the usual for a touristic place). In reality Copán Ruinas is pretty quiet and I wouldn't say that I had the site for myself but only about 50 people so almost for myself (nothing compared with the hundreds of people you have to share Abu Simbel with). It is situated in some kind of fertile valley with tropical vegetation.

So about the site, not as huge as I would have imagined. However lots and lots of sculpture and designs. It was really beautiful, I really enjoyed this place. I could have entered a tunnel below the acropolis but I thought it was a bit too expensive to enter so I said no. It was nice enough that way.

Besides in that site they decided to reintroduce the Scarlet macaw that you could meet in these woods years and years ago... So I have taken some pictures of the free macaws that greet you at the entrance of the site and as well of some other small animals (squirrel and agouti).

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