
Volcano Pacaya, Guatemala

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to climb up a volcano. On the paper it was a good idea, in the reality it was more or less a good idea.

The weather was really ideal to climb a volcano : really cloudy and windy. But who knows the weather could have changed... But it didn't. So instead of enjoying a spectacular view of the area and the other volcanoes, we saw nothing. However the impression of seeing nothing gave to the place a weird feeling. It was like being Frodo and walking on the ground of Mordor to throw 'My Precioussss' in the fire.

As the volcano Pacaya is still active, we have been able to appreciate some steam coming out from the earth but we couldn't see any lava as it dried up last year :(

The return was pretty fun as it was dark outside and we had to go down quite a steep path... But we all arrived back at the bottom of the trail, we lost no one :(

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