
On this page, you will have the overview of the plants that I've met during my trip... (if possible with their names)

Obviously there will be only the plants that I find interesting :)

Agave sp Flower
Coccoloba uvifera : the fruits are edible and good :)
Cordia Sebestana
Jatropha integerrima
Kalanchoe tubiflora
Passiflora foetida
Passiflora suberosa
Passiflora suberosa
Plumeria pudica
Scaevola taccada
Eichhornia crassipes
Eichhornia crassipes
Funastrum Clausum
Passiflora foetida
Rhizophora mangle (mangrove tree)
Rhizophora mangle (mangrove tree)
Draceana fragrans
Draceana fragrans
A fabaceae wine (sorry no name for this one)
Alpinia purpurata
An orchid whose name I haven't found (yet)
Fruit of Stemmadenia smithii
A liverworth
A rat-tail orchid on a tree
Clytostoma sp.
Couroupita guianensis (cannon ball tree)
Epidendrum ciliare
Epidendrum stamfordianum
Fruit of Blighia sapida
Heliconia sp.
Heliconia sp.
Heliconia sp.
Isochilus carmiflorus
Fruit of Kigelia sp. (sausage tree)
Maxillaria sp.
Zingiber spectabile
Unusual : a palm tree with branches
A flower of Heliconia
Passiflora sp.
Cordyline terminalis
Cordyline terminalis
Sanseveria trifasciata
Theobroma cacao (flower)
Theobroma cacao (fruit)

Tradescantia zebrina

Clytostoma sp.
A gesneriaceae
Probably a melastomataceae
A bougainvillea
Probably Passiflora tuberosa
Alpina spicata
Etlingera elatior
Heliconia sp.
Musa sp.
Zamia sp.
Cattleya aurantiaca
Cattleya labiata
Nemaconia striata
Amaryllis sp.
Amherstia nobilis
Amherstia nobilis
Aristolochia sp.
Brownea coccinea
Brownea coccinea
Brownea macrophylla
Couroupita guaiensis

Etlingera elatior
Maxillaria sp.
Musa coccinea
Ochna mossambicensis
Passiflora coccinea
Syzygium malaccense