
Xunantunich, Belize

Today I've been to visit the site of Xunantunich, pronounced shoo-nan-too-nitsh, which means 'Stone Maiden'. It is located not far away from San Ignacio and it was really, really nice. The only problem has been when the people from a cruise arrived to visit this site but it was still worthy.

This site is from the Classic Era (around 200 to 900 AD) and there is a beautiful pyramids known as 'El Castillo'. From the top of 'El Castillo' (yes, you can climb on it), you have a beautiful view of the whole valley.

Besides thanks to the proximity of the forest, I have seen some spider monkeys and hear some howler monkeys.

I hope you'll enjoy the pictures.

a spider monkey
a nice spider
horse testicles (this fruit is used to get rid of the larva which can eat your flesh, they have some hear in Belize and probably in Central America)

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